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Europeans Criticized for Repeating US Accusations

Iran on Monday criticized Europe for repeating Washington's "absurd" accusations and ruled out the possibility of negotiating a new deal with major powers under the current circumstances.    

"E3's paralysis in fulfilling their obligations w/o US permission has been clear since May 2018," Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Twitter.

He was referring to Britain, France and Germany who have failed to honor their promises to offset the impact of Washington's exit last May from the deal, which is technically called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

"Solution to this deficiency: mustering will to forge independent path—not parroting absurd US claims & requests INCONSISTENT with JCPOA," he said. "No new deal before compliance w/ current one."

The senior diplomat made the comments after London, Berlin and Paris backed the United States and blamed Iran on Monday for an attack on Saudi oil facilities, urging Tehran to agree to new talks with world powers on its nuclear and missile programs and regional security issues. 

The Europeans issued a joint statement after British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron met at the United Nations in New York on the sidelines of the annual gathering of world leaders. 



Long-Term Framework 

The time has come for Iran to accept negotiations on a long-term framework for its nuclear program as well as on issues related to regional security, including its missiles program and other means of delivery, Britain, France and Germany said, according to Reuters. 

Tensions rose on Sept. 14 following an attack on Saudi oil facilities, which Riyadh and Washington have blamed on Iran. 

Tehran denies responsibility, and Yemen's Houthi group, which has been battling a Saudi-led military coalition, has said it carried out the attack. 

"It is clear to us that Iran bears responsibility for this attack. There is no other plausible explanation. We support ongoing investigations to establish further details," Britain, France and Germany claimed.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo thanked the European nations for their statement blaming Iran. 

In an interview with US network NBC on Monday, Johnson said US President Donald Trump was "the one guy who can do a better deal... I hope there will be a Trump deal." 

Trump responded positively to the British prime minister's idea of creating a new nuclear deal with Iran, saying that he respects Johnson and was not surprised he had floated the idea. 

"He does want a new deal because the other deal was ready to expire—very short number of years left," Trump was quoted as saying by Reuters.

Under that agreement, Iran committed to limit its nuclear program in return for relief from US and other economic sanctions. 

Trump reimposed US sanctions last year. In May, he tightened them further and sought to drive Iranian oil exports to zero. 

He has criticized the earlier deal, negotiated under then-US president, Barack Obama, for "sunset" clauses under which some of its provisions expire and said it fails to address Iran's missile program and regional policies.



Iran's Offer 

In an interview with CNN published on Monday, Zarif confirmed an earlier offer, in which Iran would ratify an additional protocol, allowing for more intrusive inspections of the country's nuclear facilities at an earlier date than that set out in the 2015 deal. 

Parliament would also enshrine in law a fatwa (religious decree) by the Leader banning nuclear weapons, the top diplomat noted.  

"That offer is still on the table, provided that the United States would also do what they are supposed to do in 2023 now and that is to lift the sanctions through US Congress," he said.

Under the existing nuclear agreement, Iranian sanctions relief would be sent to the US Congress for ratification in 2023.

"We are prepared if President Trump is serious about permanent for permanent. Permanent peaceful nuclear program in Iran and permanent monitoring of Iranian nuclear facilities … through the most intrusive IAEA inspection mechanism that exists, in return for what he has said he is prepared to do and that is to go to Congress and have this ratified, which would mean Congress lifting the sanctions," the foreign minister added.