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Le Pen’s Presidential Election Program: Exit Schengen

Marine Le Pen, the leader of French far-right National Front party, published on Saturday a presidential election program, compiling key proposals on immigration, economy, the European Union and other issues into 144 points.

The National Front candidate proposed to restore national borders, exit the Schengen zone, reestablish customs offices, deny French citizenship to undocumented immigrants and simplify their deportation. With regard to countering terrorism, Le Pen suggested forbidding all organizations in any way linked to suspect groups, closing mosques designated by the Interior Ministry “as tied to the extremists” and forbidding foreign funding for places of worship.

The far-right nominee proposed to leave the NATO military command to avoid entanglement in the conflicts that do not concern France and to ensure the ability to defend itself.

The first point in the manifesto suggests negotiations with the European Union on France’s status, followed by a nationwide referendum on the membership of the bloc.

Le Pen, who is considered one of the presidential race favorites by public opinion polls, has scheduled a rally in the French city of Lyon on Sunday.