
Political Disunity Mars Democratic Convention

Political Disunity Mars Democratic Convention
Political Disunity Mars Democratic Convention

In the wake of revelations that the Democratic National Committee displayed favoritism toward presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, her rival, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, addressed convention delegates Monday night in an effort to quell disunity among the party in the run-up to Thursday night’s official nomination.

But even as he spoke in favor of Clinton, some of his supporters jeered when he mentioned her name.

At the opening of the convention, the DNC issued a public apology to Sanders on Monday after leaked emails suggested the party’s leadership had worked to sabotage his presidential campaign, DW reported.

The committee offered its “deep and sincere apology” to the Vermont senator, his supporters and the entire party for what it termed “the inexcusable remarks made over email”.

The statement was issued by incoming interim party leader, Donna Brazile, and six other officials, who also noted that comments in the emails “do not reflect the values of the DNC or our steadfast commitment to neutrality during the nominating process.”

The apology seemed to do little to appease many die-hard Sanders supporters. Hundreds of his backers marched from Philadelphia City Hall towards the convention center on Monday chanting “Nominate Sanders or lose in November.”

Then, in the early hours of Monday’s events, it appeared many of his supporters were intending to stage protest events during the proceedings.

Daniel Martin-Mills, who came to Philadelphia from Michigan, said that he would not vote for Clinton, even if it means it would give Donald Trump an edge.

“I don’t believe that Hillary Clinton has anyone’s interest in mind but her own,” he said. “If she were elected, it would be a tragedy for our nation. I think she would sell us out for her own gain.

“I don’t care for Trump either, but there’s no way in the world I would vote for Hillary. It won’t be my fault (if he wins). I vote my conscience and there are more than two choices. I’d vote for Jill Stein.”

Sanders issued a request to his supporters to show party unity as a “personal courtesy” to him and “not engage in any kind of protest on the floor” of the convention.

The Vermont senator entreated his supporters in Philadelphia to remain united: “Our credibility as a movement will be damaged by booing, turning of backs, walking out or other similar displays,” he wrote.