
Israel Causes Summer Water Shortage for Palestinians in West Bank

Israel Causes Summer Water Shortage  for Palestinians in West Bank
Israel Causes Summer Water Shortage  for Palestinians in West Bank

As Palestinians in the West Bank fast from dawn to dusk in scorching heat during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, tens of thousands of people have been affected by the reduced water flow in their taps.

Israel admits it has been forced to cut water supplies to the parched area, saying that nearby settlements have also been affected. But Palestinian areas appear to have been hit much harder and both sides are blaming each other for the painful situation, AP reported.

The water shortage has harmed farmers, forced people to bathe less and created a booming business for tanker trucks that travel from house to house delivering water.

Israel blames it on the unusually early summer heat. Palestinians say the shortage is evidence of the uneven distribution of the water that runs beneath their feet in an underground aquifer—a distribution that was enshrined in an outdated peace agreement.

Ironically, the shortages come as Israel has made great strides toward water independence through a fast-growing desalinization program. Today, desalinated water provides about 30% of Israel’s water and has reduced the semi-arid country’s dependency on meek rivers and sparse rainfall.

But the Palestinian villages in the West Bank and some isolated Israeli settlements are not connected to the national water grid, relying instead on local underground supplies.

Israeli environmental advocate, Gidon Bromberg, says the water shortage is “outrageous”.