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US: IS, Russia, China Pose Challenges

China and Russia present different challenges for the international order, which the US is keen on protecting, the US Defense Secretary Ash Carter claimed Saturday.

In particular, Russia and China have been accused of not following the principles of the global order: peaceful resolution of disputes, freedom from coercion, respect for state sovereignty and freedom of navigation, World Bulletin reported.

The defense secretary also put Russia and China in the same league as IS when listing the US top-ranked bogeymen.

“Terror elements like IS, of course, stand entirely opposed to our values. But other challenges are more complicated, and given their size and capabilities, potentially more damaging,” he said.

“Some actors appear intent on eroding these principles and undercutting the international order that helps enforce them … Of course, neither Russia nor China can overturn that order. But both present different challenges for it.”

Russia and China are challenging “American preeminence” and Washington’s so-called “stewardship of the world order”, as they reassert themselves on the international arena as serious military powers.

According to Carter, their “challenging activities” can be seen at every possible level, be it at sea, in the air, in space–or even in cyberspace.

“Most disturbing” for the US official, however, is what he called “Moscow’s nuclear saber-rattling,” which in his view “raises questions about Russian leaders’ commitment to strategic stability, their respect for norms against the use of nuclear weapons, and whether they respect the profound caution nuclear-age leaders showed with regard to the brandishing of nuclear weapons.”

Carter also reassured that the US does not seek war of any kind with Russia.

“We do not seek a cold, let alone a hot, war with Russia. We do not seek to make Russia an enemy. But make no mistake; the United States will defend our interests, our allies, the principled international order, and the positive future it affords us all, “Carter said.