
Non-Conventional Methods Essential to Help Alleviate Worsening Water Crisis in Iran

There are more than 700,000 wells in the country, of which 150,000 must be sealed and it is regrettable that the number of illegal wells is rising
Non-Conventional Methods Essential to Help Alleviate Worsening Water Crisis in Iran
Non-Conventional Methods Essential to Help Alleviate Worsening Water Crisis in Iran

With natural water reserves, namely rain water and underground water, depleting at unprecedented speed, non-conventional water resources like treated wastewater reuse and desalination must top the Energy Ministry priority list without further delay.
Parviz Kardavani, a veteran eremologist and faculty member of Tehran University, made the call on the sidelines of "National Clean Air Day" conference in Kashan, Isfahan Province, on Saturday.
"Although development of non-conventional sources is absolutely essential, such approaches cannot and will not produce the desired results without long-term plans to train the people to consume water prudently," he said.


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