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Wetland in West Azarbaijan in Good Health

Navar Wetland sitting in Chaldoran County, West Azarbaijan Province, is in good environmental condition thanks to the springtime precipitation which has fed the surface water bodies in the area, a senior official at the provincial Department of Environment said.

According to comprehensive figures released by the Ministry of Energy, Urmia Lake catchment area that covers the province has received 406.7 millimeters of rainfall since the beginning of the current water year (September 23, 2017). The figure is 48.5 % higher than that of the same period last year with only 273.9 mm.

"Navar Wetland is in favorable conditions and there are no risk factors threatening the water body," Omid Yousefi, the head of Wildlife Monitoring Office at provincial DOE assured. 

"West Azarbaijan Province is home to at least 100 water habitats, 70 wetlands, 20 permanent and 30 seasonal rivers and streams, making the region a desirable area for numerous aquatic and bird species," ISNA quoted the official as saying. 

Among all, Navar Wetland has remained almost pristine, partly because the human access to the area is restricted.

Navar is famed for being the habitat of various kinds of birds.

"The wetland is home to over 85 bird species, including the Anatolian crane, larus, heron, various kinds of duck, gray goose and ruddy shelduck," Yousefi said.