
Fighting Climate Change

Fighting Climate Change
Fighting Climate Change

Iran is a country of breathtaking natural beauty and immense natural resources. More and more tourists, many of whom come from our countries—France and Germany—have been visiting Iran to admire the variety of landscapes—from mountains to deserts to forests—that Iran has to offer.

However, one cannot ignore the fact that, like many countries, Iran is affected by serious environmental challenges that have a negative impact on its economy and also on the quality of life. Drought and sandstorms threaten the livelihood of thousands of people and pose a grave danger to natural treasures such as the Hamoun wetlands or Lake Urmia.

While many of these problems can be mitigated, and even overcome by local and national initiatives like investment in clean technologies, public transport, agricultural innovation and increased attention to sustainability, climate change is a challenge that knows no borders. Global warming has disastrous effects and poses massive risks to prosperity and security all over the world. Our only chance in the fight against climate change is international cooperation and solidarity.

On this day, June 17, our two countries are marking “Climate Diplomacy Day”: France, incoming Presidency of “COP21” (21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which will be held in Paris in December), and Germany, Presidency of the G7, have firmly decided to take all efforts to reach an ambitious and comprehensive UN climate agreement in Paris. We invite Iran together with all countries to join us in this endeavor by doing their part in accordance with their common—but differentiated—responsibilities and capabilities.

The science is clear: if we don’t act now to reduce gas emissions, we are on a dangerous path with an increased likelihood of severe droughts, water scarcity and loss of land through rising sea levels. This will lead to serious food, water and geopolitical insecurity. Urgent action is needed and an ambitious global framework must be drawn up to put us on a path to limiting global temperature increase below 2 °C compared with pre-industrial levels.

To this end, reaching a substantive climate deal in Paris is essential. France and Germany commit themselves to contribute their fair share together with their partners in the European Union, and to take ambitious actions as well as fostering future-oriented international collaborations.

There are plentiful opportunities for such cooperation with Iran, a country blessed with an abundance of sources of clean energy, such as solar and wind energy, with a high level of expertise in the field of technology and engineering.

We thus call on Iran to play its role to make COP21 a success and to embrace the many opportunities that come with a commitment to fighting climate change. France and Germany are willing to engage with Iran to help find the means to succeed. First and foremost, because like many others we wish our planet to remain a place of amazement - and not despair - for the generations to come. More importantly, like many Iranians, we wish Iran to remain the country of natural beauties and four seasons!  


Michael von Ungern-Sternberg  (German Ambassador)                    Bruno Foucher (Ambassador of France)




