
Traffic Schemes Fail to Improve Tehran Air Quality

Air quality data recorded daily by Tehran Air Quality Control Company show no decline in air pollution levels after the resumption of traffic restrictions in the city
Traffic Schemes Fail to Improve Tehran Air Quality
Traffic Schemes Fail to Improve Tehran Air Quality

The resumption of traffic schemes in the capital city of Tehran since June 6 has had close to zero effect on air pollution so far, an official with the Department of Environment said.
Mohammad Rastegari, the head of DOE's Environmental Monitoring Office, told Borna News Agency that air quality data recorded daily by Tehran Air Quality Control Company show no decline in air pollution levels after the resumption of traffic restrictions in the city.
After the coronavirus outbreak in Iran, traffic schemes in Tehran were halted in late February on the government's order to discourage people from using the hazardous public transportation and cut the infection chain. 
“Now that the rules are back, air quality has failed to improve,” Rastegari said.


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