
Tehran Air Turns Unhealthier

The good news was that sensitive groups in the capital were not warned to limit their outdoor activities due to air pollution, as the index did not enter the threshold of unhealthy for the sensitive group (101-150)
Tehran Air Turns Unhealthier
Tehran Air Turns Unhealthier

The Iranian capital’s residents inhaled less clean air in April compared with the same period of last year, data from Tehran Municipality show.
Charts published by Tehran Air Quality Control Company website, Airnow.tehran.ir, show that clear blue skies were visible for only seven days in the month, meaning that the air quality index was under 50. 
The index categorizes conditions dictated by a measure of polluting matters into good (050), moderate (51-100), unhealthy for sensitive groups (101-150), unhealthy (151-200), very unhealthy (201-300) and hazardous (301-500). 
TAQCC data show that during the month, “moderate” status was the most prevailing air condition, as the index hovered between 51 and 100 in April’s remaining 23 days.


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