
Petrochem Co. Shows the Way to Do More With Less

Petrochem Co. Shows the Way to Do More With Less
Petrochem Co. Shows the Way to Do More With Less

In a bid to improve energy efficiency and help protect the environment, Fanavaran Petrochemical Company off the Persian Gulf has reduced energy consumption in the methanol and ethanol units, the managing director said.
Fanavaran has decreased energy consumption from 41 gigajoule per ton of methanol last year to 35 GJ per ton in the current year (began in March).
“Based on plans the consumption will drop to 34 GJ next year,” Energy Today quoted Mohammad Javad Badri as saying.
The company has reduced energy consumption in ethanol production from last year’s 45 megajoule per ton to 35 MJ per ton now. “This also has helped curb carbon dioxide emissions,” Badri added.


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