
JICA Helps Improve Efficiency of Qazvin Thermal Power Plant

JICA has thorough knowledge of gas-powered turbines and cooperation with the Japanese group will help improve the efficiency of our power stations, especially during the hot summers
JICA Helps Improve Efficiency of Qazvin Thermal Power Plant
JICA Helps Improve Efficiency of Qazvin Thermal Power Plant

The Japan International Cooperation Agency says it is content to be helping Iran equip its thermal power stations with high-quality fog (spray) cooling systems.
Yukiharu Kobayashi, the chief JICA representative in Iran, made the statement Tuesday in a ceremony to inaugurate the cooling system in Shahid Rajaee thermal power plant in Qazvin Province, Paven, the Energy Ministry's news portal reported.
"The initiative is aimed at helping Iran’s electricity industry improve the efficiency of gas-powered turbines," Kobayashi added. The plan also will help combat global warming in the long-term.


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