The first phase of a wastewater treatment plant in Paveh County in Kermanshah Province was inaugurated by Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian on Saturday.
The $2 million facility has the capacity to treat 1700 cubic meters of effluent per day, Paven, the Energy Ministry news portal reported.
According to Alireza Takhtshahi, managing director of Kermanshah Province Water and Wastewater Company, the plant's construction began in 2011. It will help preserve the city’s underground water resources and optimize wastewater for agriculture as reclaimed wastewater is normally clean for farming needs.
The plant will provide services to more than 10,000 households.
"So far 88% of Kermanshah residents are connected to the wastewater network," said Takhtshahi.
The plant uses activated sludge (AS) method to process sewage. All AS consists of three main components namely an aeration tank, a settling tank and a return activated sludge.
It is equipped with axial flow pumps to transfer nitrified mixed liquor from the aeration zone to the anoxic zone for de-nitrification.
"Close to 52 wastewater treatment plants became operational over the past six years," Ardakanian said, adding that 22 are now under construction.
Over 7.5 billion cubic meters of usable water namely grey water is annually produced in Iran, of which less than 25% is recycled, he said.
Grey water is water that already has been used domestically, commercially and industrially. This includes the leftover, untreated water generated from clothes washers, bathtubs and bathroom sinks.
The government has announced several programs to curb water wastage and high consumption.
Based on Paven data, 221 wastewater treatment plants are operating across Iran with annual output of 1.2 bcm.
Total wastewater treatment capacity in 2013 was 400 million cubic meters per day via 150 treatment facilities.
That capacity, which involved 11,000 kilometers of network, has tripled in six years.
Currently over 62,755 km of wastewater network are laid across the country and 295 cities are connected to the wastewater system.
Out of the total urban population, 57% are now linked to the wastewater network – up 8.4% since 2013.