
Private Power Companies to Tavanir: Stop Flirting With Prices

Private Power Companies to Tavanir: Stop Flirting With Prices
Private Power Companies to Tavanir: Stop Flirting With Prices

Privately funded power plants will continue to struggle with low profit margins in the months ahead unless government-affiliated Power Generation, Distribution and Transmission Company (Tavanir) buys their electricity at higher prices, secretary of the Electricity Industry Syndicate said Monday.
"The government buys each kilowatt of power from power stations at 700 rials (0.5 cent). This rate has not increased in the past four years whereas operating and maintenance costs have climbed at least three times," Parviz Ghiaseddin was quoted as saying by Barq News.
Talks are underway with the Energy Ministry, he said, but no final decision has been made about new prices.


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