
Iran Natural Gas Exports Unimpeded Despite Recent Floods

Now all subscribers in the country are connected to the gas network and only five villages whose access roads are inundated remain disconnected
Iran Natural Gas Exports Unimpeded Despite Recent Floods
Iran Natural Gas Exports Unimpeded Despite Recent Floods

The pipeline through which Iran’s gas is exported has not been damaged by the recent floods, director of gas distribution at the National Iranian Gas Company said.
“The pipeline, which passes from Lorestan and Khuzestan provinces, is not harmed and gas export continues without problems,” IRNA quoted Saeid Momeni as saying.
Iraq is the main buyer of Iran gas via a pipeline linked to Baghdad. An estimated 27 million cubic meters of gas flows to the western neighbor on a daily basis.
Major Iraqi power plants are dependent on Iranian natural gas supply. The pipeline provides several power stations with their gas needs, including two in Baghdad and one in Diyala Province near the joint border.


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