
Asaluyeh Ethane Production to Increase by 2 Million Tons p.a.

Asaluyeh Ethane Production to Increase by 2 Million Tons p.a.
Asaluyeh Ethane Production to Increase by 2 Million Tons p.a.

Ethane production capacity in Asaluyeh in the southern Bushehr Province will rise by 2 million tons per annum upon the inauguration of four new phases of the South Pars Gas Field in Persian Gulf in March.
Ethane production capacity in Asaluyeh is around 7.6 million tons a year. With the launching of the four phases output will reach 9.6 million tons, Iran Petronet website reported.
There also are plans to increase ethane production in the region in the next fiscal, including the first phase of Bushehr Petrochemical Complex with annual capacity of 850,000 tons of methane, and Parsian Sepehr Refinery, with 1.3 million tons per year, as well as phases 12 and 14 of South Pars, with a capacity of 1.7 and 1 million tons respectively.


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