Close to 3 billion kilowatt hours of electricity has been generated from renewable sources since mid-2009.
According to state-owned Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization, aka Satba, the electricity helped reduce greenhouse emissions by as much as 2 million tons, ISNA reported on Sunday.
According to Iran Meteorological Organization, greenhouse gas emissions in Iran increased by 3% in the past decade and average temperature has risen by 1.8 degrees Celsius since 1750 – much higher than the global 1.1°C average.
ISNA says power generated since 2009 has helped save as much as 781 million cubic meters of fossil fuel that is the main source of air pollution.
Moreover, renewables have helped save 605 million liters of water in ten years, of which 14 million liters was saved in two months to January 22.
Renewables account for 680 MW of Iran’s total installed power capacity at 82,000, and measures are being taken to increase green power to 1,000 MW by March.
Mohammad Sadeqzadeh, head of Satba, believes the target is feasible thanks to the launch of several solar farms in recent months.
Close to 98 large and small renewable power plants with capacities ranging from 2 to 12 MW are operational and 45 are in different stages of construction.
The volume of private sector investment in renewable projects has exceeded $1 billion.
Iran has huge potential to harness renewable energy, including solar and wind power. Wind, solar, hydropower, waste heat recovery and biomass plants comprise 45%, 35%, 16%, 2% and 2% of the total renewables respectively.