
Iran: Solar Farms Seen as Option to Agriculture in Drought-Hit Regions

Development of renewable energy in rural regions, with abundant land and unlimited access to sunlight and strong winds, can lead to sustainable income and help reduce the worrying rural-to-urban migration patterns
Solar Farms Seen as Option to Agriculture in Drought-Hit Regions
Solar Farms Seen as Option to Agriculture in Drought-Hit Regions

Experts say expanding the renewable energy sector in water-stressed regions is one viable alternative for farmers who have very little water and suffer due to crop losses and failures in recent years.
Farmers can use their land for setting up solar farms to harness renewable energy, especially solar and wind. The shift away from farming that usually wastes massive amounts of already scarce water, could help save water and alleviate the existing water crisis. It also can create much-needed jobs in the rural regions and encourage people there to stay in their villages instead of migrating to cities in search of work, 


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This is the best idea that i'v ever heared.

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