
Work Starts on Iran's Persian Gulf Star Refinery Phase 4

Work Starts on Iran's Persian Gulf Star Refinery Phase 4
Work Starts on Iran's Persian Gulf Star Refinery Phase 4

Construction work on the fourth phase of Persian Gulf Star Refinery in the southern Hormozgan Province has started and is expected to be completed in less than two years, director of planning and project control of the refinery said Saturday.
Ahmad Shariatmadari described the refinery as the Middle East's largest gas condensate refinery, adding that when the new phase comes on stream it will have a processing capacity of 360,000 barrels of gas condensate a day.
Each of the four phases is designed to produce 12 million liters per day of high-octane gasoline, 4.5 ml/d of Euro-4 diesel, 1ml/d of kerosene and 300,000 liters of liquefied petroleum gas a day.


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