
Zanganeh: Gasoline Rationing System May be Revived

Gasoline rationing plan was launched in 2007 to curb consumption. At that time motorists could buy 60 liters of subsidized fuel each month with a special card at 7,000 rials (70 cents) per liter (at the time one dollar fetched 10,000 rials).
Zanganeh: Gasoline Rationing System May be Revived
Zanganeh: Gasoline Rationing System May be Revived

The possibility of gasoline rationing that ended in 2015 now seems very likley, Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh said.
“The government does not intend to increase prices at the pumps. However, large consumers who exceed reasonable limits should be required to pay more," Zanganeh said


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