
Nuclear Desalination Cost-Effective

Nuclear Desalination  Cost-Effective
Nuclear Desalination  Cost-Effective

Using nuclear reactors to run seawater desalination plants can be cost-effective in areas straddling the southern coasts of Iran, as they meet most of their potable water demand from nearby provinces, an energy analyst said.
“The cost of treating seawater using fossil fuels is 40 cents for each cubic meter of water, while it stands at five cents in nuclear desalination plants,” Misaq Molaei was also quoted as saying by Mehr News Agency on Tuesday.  
According to Molaei, the first and second phases of the desalination unit of Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant in the southern province have the capacity to desalinate 5,000 and 10,000 cubic meters of saline water per day.
The Bushehr plant is situated 17 km southeast of the city of Bushehr. 


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