
Iran: South Pars Phase 11 Contract Unchanged

The role or share of France’s Total and China National Petroleum Corporation in the development of South Pars Gas Field’s Phase 11 has not changed yet
South Pars Phase 11  Contract Unchanged
South Pars Phase 11  Contract Unchanged
Total, CNPC and Iran’s Petropars hold a 51%, 30% and 19% stake in the project respectively

The agreement to develop South Pars Gas Field's Phase 11 in the Persian Gulf with France’s Total and China National Petroleum Corporation has not undergone any changes yet.
Mohammad Mostafavi, director of investment at Iran’s National Iranian Oil Company, told Shana, the Oil Ministry's news agency.
The official made the statement hours after IRNA quoted Mostafavi as saying CNPC had taken Total’s share in the multibillion dollar project.


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