
Parand Power Plant Injects 160 MW Into National Grid

Parand Power Plant Injects  160 MW Into National Grid
Parand Power Plant Injects  160 MW Into National Grid

The second steam unit of Parand Combined-Cycle Power Plant in southern Tehran was linked with the national power grid on Tuesday, the managing director of MAPNA Group said.
"The second unit will add 160 megawatts of electricity to the national grid to make up for a part of the country's heavy consumption needs in summer," Abbas Aliabadi was also quoted as saying by MAPNA's website.
MAPNA Group, Iran's top engineering and energy conglomerate, is in charge of Parand power project that consists of six heat recovery steam generator units with a total nominal capacity of 954 MW with an efficiency rate of 31%. Located 30 kilometers southwest of Tehran, the plant also includes three steam units each with a capacity of 160 MWs, air-cooled condenser system, 400 kv substation and a 35-km transmission line.


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