
Completion of Petrochem Projects High on Agenda

Completion of Petrochem  Projects High on Agenda
Completion of Petrochem  Projects High on Agenda

The completion of value chain, development of petrochemical downstream industries and supply of feedstock to complexes top the Oil Ministry’s priority list, a deputy oil minister said.
“The ministry is making efforts to tackle feedstock-related challenges in petrochemical plants to pave the way for the production of value-added commodities,” Marzieh Shahdaei was also quoted as saying by NIPNA, the National Petrochemical Company’s news agency. 
The official noted that the operation to extend an ethane pipeline from South Pars Phase 2 to Phase 1 to increase petrochemical plants’ feedstock is being followed up by the ministry.  According to the official, financing incomplete projects is another thorny issue that is being handled through negotiations with the National Development Fund of Iran and the Central Bank of Iran.


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