
Tavanir Plans to Reduce Power Usage in Summer

Tavanir Plans to Reduce Power Usage in Summer
Tavanir Plans to Reduce Power Usage in Summer

Plans are in place to reduce electricity consumption by 5,300 megawatts during peak hours between June 5 and Sept. 15, an official in charge of Consumption Department in Iran Power Generation, Distribution and Transmission Company (Tavanir) said.
Alireza Ahmadi-Yazdi also told IRNA that Tavanir has assigned 16 provincial electricity companies as well as 39 electricity distribution firms to meet the target. 
Giving a breakdown, he noted that 1,800 MW should be reduced with the help of provincial electricity companies. Moreover, distribution firms have been commissioned to reduce as much as 3,500 MW during the period.
According to the official, the ministry reduced the national grid's demand by 4,000 MW in 2017with the help of household, agriculture, industrial and business sectors.


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