
Eastern Power Stations to Receive Gas as Feedstock

Eastern Power Stations to Receive Gas as Feedstock
Eastern Power Stations to Receive Gas as Feedstock

Supplying natural gas as feedstock to two power plants in Konarak, Sistan-Baluchestan Province, and Sarakhs, Khorasan Razavi Province, requires the Energy Ministry’s cooperation in converting flaring torches to gas-fired ones, the National Iranian Gas Company’s deputy for gas supply said.
“During negotiations between the oil and energy ministries, the latter agreed to adapt the two power plants’ flaring torches to work with natural gas, but no measure has so far been taken in this regard,” Saeed Momeni was also quoted as saying by Shana, the Oil Ministry’s news agency, on Tuesday. 
According to Momeni, 81 power stations are currently using natural gas as feedstock.


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