Close to 98.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas have been extracted from Sarkhoun Gas Field in Bandar Abbas, Hormozgan province, during the last 31 years, the managing director of Iranian Central Oil Fields Company said."Plans are underway to increase the field's output, as 80% of the reserve have already been used," Ramin Hatami was also quoted as saying by the National Iranian Oil Company's news portal on Saturday. According to the official, developing the adjacent fields and drawing up engineering, procurement, construction and finance contracts, as well as completing overhaul operations, are on ICOFC's agenda to maximize the field's production. ICOFC has three subsidiaries, namely West Oil and Gas Production Company, East Oil and Gas Production Company and South Zagros Oil and Gas Production Company. With a population of 85 million, Iran burns more than 140 billion cubic meters of gas annually, not far from China, the world’s second-largest economy and the most populous country, which consumed a total of 191 billion cubic meters in 2015, data show.