• Energy

    Four Petrochem Projects to be Launched

    Given that output of ethane feedstock for ethylene production is set to increase in South Pars gas field, four new petrochemical projects will be launched via ethylene pipeline routes in the west of Iran, deputy oil minister, Abbas Shari Moghaddam said Wednesday.

    The implementation phase of three polyethylene projects at petrochemical complexes in Lorestan, Kurdestan, and Mahabad have made substantial progress, the official stated.

    Phase 2 of Kavian Petrochemical Complex at Pars Special Economic Zone has been completed with a projected annual 1 million tons of ethylene; Mehr News Agency quoted him as saying.

    The official clarified that the yield from the four projects is contingent on providing feedstock from South Pars’ newest phases. Once on stream, the newest phases will provide the required methane for operation of Kavian and three other polymeric units in west Iran. Feedstock is to be provided during the first six months of next year (starting March 21, 2015). Each of the polyethylene units at Lorestan, Kurdestan, and Mahabad complexes has the capacity to produce 300,000 tons of petrochemicals. Upon completion, the four units shall add 2m tons to petrochemical production capacities.

    After the inauguration of Kavian’s first phase, and Kermanshah’s polymeric and petrochemical company, the unit in Ilam officially started production last year. The polyethylene/petrochemical unit in Ilam is one of the biggest in the west of the country, and the third biggest in the west ethylene pipeline route.

    Launching of the four ethylene projects is determined by how quickly the newest phases of South Pars are completed and how much ethane feedstock they can provide, deputy head of the National Petrochemical Company (NPC) Mohammad Hassan Peyvandi had stated earlier.