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Two Wastewater Plants for Tehran

Two wastewater treatment facilities will come into operation on Saturday south and east of Tehran.

According to ISNA, Masoumeh Ebtekar, vice president and head of the Department of Environment, is to inaugurate the two units in the suburban towns of Pishva and Pardis on Saturday.

The Pishva wastewater processing facility, some 60 kilometers southeast of Tehran, is built to cover an estimated 68,000 households in the first phase and 160,000 people in the second. Mohammad Parvaresh, the managing director of Tehran Province Water and Wastewater Company, said the wastewater plant in Pishva, with capacity to treat 11,000 cubic meters of effluent per day, is part of a scheme to expand the water and wastewater infrastructure south of Tehran.

The development plan calls for laying 60 kilometers of wastewater pipelines, expanding water supply network by more than 100 kilometers as well as renovation of water facilities in the towns of Varamin, Pakdasht, Gharchak and Pishva.

“Pishva wastewater plant’s processing capacity will more than double to 26,000 cubic meters daily in its second phase,” Parvaresh noted.

He added that the wastewater plant in Pardis can process 24,000 cubic meters per day of sewage, enough to cover 125,000 households. In fiscal year 2016-17, a total of 26 water and wastewater treatment plants were built in Iran, five in and around Tehran.

Expansion of the wastewater networks has been a priority in the sprawling capital for more than four decades, but a lack of funds plus rapid expansion of urban areas has slowed down the process.

According to published reports, nearly 3,000 water and wastewater projects nationwide are incomplete due to funding problems.