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Crude Blending at RIPI

The Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI) successfully carried out a crude blending process, Shana news agency reported Sunday. The process will allow producers to increase the efficiency of oil production, distribution and export and maximize the value of petrochemical products.

Oil blending is often undertaken to increase the price or processability of lower grade crude by blending it with a higher grade crude, a costlier type of oil.

The process allows the RIPI to modify different features of oil such as level of density and viscosity, percentage of brimstone, etc. and export the new crude based on demand for consumption or export.

Refining extra heavy oil is a complex process carried out at specialized refineries. To increase the value and usability of heavy crude, it needs to be blended with lighter oil or mixed gas condensate, and the blending technology will allow the RIPI to make use of less valuable petrochemicals.

Furthermore, when the sale or export of oil decreases, producers can blend their product with other types of crude to increase value.

Iran holds the world’s second biggest natural gas reserves after Russia, and the fourth-largest proved crude oil reserves.