Electricity production from renewable sources in Tehran Province is on the priority list of Tehran Electricity Distribution Company, with one plan calling for power production from solar energy at government-owned buildings, the company's managing director said.
“We can significantly reduce electricity consumption during peak hours in Tehran by using solar panels on buildings owned by state companies and organizations,” Mohammad Hashemi was quoted as saying by ISNA on Sunday.
President Hassan Rouhani's government in September approved a scheme that obliges state-owned organizations to install solar panels to provide at least 20% of their electricity needs via clean energy over two years.
Prior to that plan, a small number of state companies had voluntarily installed the solar panels.
Iran has an installed power capacity of around 75,000 megawatts. Around 62,000 MW, or 80% of total output, is generated from thermal plants that burn fossil fuels. In addition, 12,000 MW comes from hydroelectric plants and 1,000 MW from the sole nuclear power plant in Bushehr.
According to reports, total installed capacity of renewable energy production in both public and private sectors is hardly 241 MW.