
SPGC Equipment Production Near Self-Sufficiency

SPGC Equipment Production Near Self-Sufficiency
SPGC Equipment Production Near Self-Sufficiency

More than 95% of the much-needed equipment in South Pars Gas Company are manufactured with indigenous knowhow, SPGC's vice president for renovation and overhaul said on Wednesday.

"Domestic experts are capable of maintaining turbines. The giant gas complex is heavily reliant on domestic expertise for procuring its measuring and electrical instruments," Gholamhossein Hamzavi was also quoted as saying by Shana.

Elaborating on accomplishing the objectives of Resistance Economy, Hamzavi added that all SPGC's policies have been defined to fulfill the objectives by maintaining the systems with the help of domestic enterprises.

Resistance Economy is a set of guidelines carved out by Iran’s Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei to lessen the impact of international sanctions and stimulate economic growth.

Pointing to the fact that time for overhaul, the manufacturer's recommended number of running hours before components requires another overhaul, has increased considerably, the official noted that concerted efforts have been made to minimize risk factors in the complex.

According to the official, no tragic event has been recorded in the company in the last few years, which indicates the professional expertise of personnel who have always played a key role in preventing accidents.

"South Pars Gas Company is fully overhauled with the help of domestic specialists," he said.

Stressing that SPGC personnel are being equipped with advanced technology to design and produce complicated equipment, Hamzavi said attaining international standards and becoming self-sufficient in producing oil and gas equipment can save millions of dollars for the country.

  Self-Sufficiency in Pumps

According to Faraj Pourvand, managing director of Iran Industrial Pumps Group, Iran has achieved self-sufficiency in manufacturing various types of pumps used in oil and gas industry after producing cryogenic pumps. Cryogenic pumps, or cryopumps, are used for adding propane and butane gases to the refinery processes in gas refineries.

 "Our cryopumps can compete with European brands and are better than counterparts made by Asian countries," Pourvand noted, adding that IIP engineers spent three years on designing and manufacturing the cryopumps.

"We can save more than $400 million if we manufacture all the pumps needed by the country for oil, gas and petrochemical projects," he said.  

   Indigenized Drilling Equipment

According to Jafar Tahmasebi, the head of National Iranian Drilling Company's Technology and Engineering Department, NIDC has indigenized 310 strategic drilling equipment in collaboration with domestic manufacturers and technicians.

Underscoring the fact that high quality tops NIDC's priority in producing new equipment, the official said, "NIDC has already installed 293 pieces on drilling machinery successfully. Moreover, the rest is passing quality control procedures."

Highlighting the indigenization of other products, such as electric brakes, traction motor, casing wrench and fluid pump, Tahmasebi said more than 18,000 drilling equipment have been indigenized in NIDC's Technology and Engineering Department since 1997.

Reportedly, out of 1.2 million equipment required by the oil and gas industry, 800,000 items are produced domestically, all of which are compatible with international standards. Some of the equipment include turbines, compressors, pumps and pipes.