
Iran, France to Sign Energy Accord

Iran, France to Sign Energy Accord
Iran, France to Sign Energy Accord

The French institute IFP Energies Nouvelles and Iran's Research Institute of Petroleum Industry are due to sign an agreement this month that calls for technological cooperation in the key oil industry.

Hamidreza Katouzian, the head of RIPI, and Didier Houssin, CEO of IFP Energies Nouvelles, are poised to sign the agreement, Shana reported.   

IFP Energies Nouvelles (IFPEN) is a public research and training organization. It has an international scope, covering key areas such as energy, transport and the environment. From research to industry, technological innovation is central to all its activities. The new chapter in relations between the two top academic bodies in the oil sector will focus on boosting extraction from Iran's oil and gas fields, conversion of gases, gas sweetening methods, advanced seismic studies, erosion, preserving the environment, controlling and monitoring oil/gas fields and holding bilateral training courses in the first IFP-RIPI specialized educational center.  

IPF and RIPI reached a preliminary agreement in November to expand ties, with the head of IFP's training branch, Jean-Luc Karnik, describing Iran as "one of the most important oil and gas hubs in the world".