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Total Prioritizes Gas, Petrochem

The chief executive of France's Total said on Wednesday that the company's priority on getting back into Iran's energy sector was gas and petrochemicals. "Gas is our priority for us there, and petrochemicals," Total CEO Patrick Pouyanne told reporters at an international liquefied natural gas conference, Reuters reported. He said the company has not signed any deals in Iran yet. According to reports by the Iranian media, a high-level delegation of the French oil and gas major will revisit Tehran later this month to continue talks on a major petrochemical project in the Persian Gulf country. The negotiations will follow up on a memorandum of understanding that was signed between Total and NPC last month to jointly build a petrochemical complex in southern Iran. Based on the MoU, a petrochemical complex will include a steam-cracker unit in a coastal area, which will receive ethane, naphtha, liquefied petroleum gas and other liquefied gases as feedstock.