
Talks With US Energy Firms Denied

Talks With US Energy Firms Denied
Talks With US Energy Firms Denied

Iran has denied reports that Tehran is in talks with US energy firms for cooperation in the post-sanctions era.

Managing Director of the National Iranian Oil Company Rokneddin Javadi denied reports about negotiations with US firms over cooperation in Iran’s oil industry in the wake of sanctions removal, Natural Gas Asia reported.

“Numerous companies have expressed readiness to participate in the post-sanctions oil industry of Iran. However, no US firms were present among them,” he told state-owned media outlet Shana.

However, Javadi added that Tehran is open to all investors to finance Iran’s oil industry projects in a competitive setting.

Talking about the date of inauguration of phases 15 and 16 of the South Pars Gas Field, Javadi said, “We are ready to open the phases and waiting for the date to be set by the Presidential Office."