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Bahregansar Oil Output Higher

Production from Bahregansar oilfield has increased by 2,100 barrels of oil per day (bpd) after wells number 17 and 18 in Asmari layers of the Persian Gulf went into operation, head of Bahregansar oilfield project, Shahrokh Bahaghighat, was quoted by IRNA as saying.

After completion of drilling activities, design, construction, and installation of pipelines commenced in the two wells, which were completed on May 13 after a total 380 man-hours of work.

After being degasified, dewatered, and desalted, the 34.5 API oil from the field is transferred via a 56-km pipeline to the onshore Bahregan region for treatment and storage. Bahregansar is reportedly the oldest Iranian offshore oilfield. The field's first exploratory well was drilled in 1959, and production commenced in 1961. It has currently three platforms. The Asmari Formation produces almost 85 percent of total Iranian crude oil and it is one of the major known reservoirs in the world. This formation is well developed in the Zagros basin, southern Iran as well as in the Persian Gulf.