
110 Small Filling Stations Will Be Launched in Tehran

According to the Tehran City Council’s resolution, 80 gasoline stations and 30 CNG stations will be established in Tehran by March 2024
110 Small Filling Stations  Will Be Launched in Tehran
110 Small Filling Stations  Will Be Launched in Tehran

Tehran Municipality should build 110 small filling stations by the end of the current Iranian year, based on a resolution approved by Tehran City Council, said the chairman of the council’s Transportation Commission.
“The National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company intends to build small-scale filling stations and investors have shown interest in this regard,” Jafar Tashakkori was also quoted as saying by ISNA.
“This can be achieved after regular talks are held with the municipality to provide the required land for investors and so far 20 sites in various districts of Tehran have been introduced by the TM,” he added.
According to the plan, 80 gasoline stations and 30 CNG stations will be established in Tehran.


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