
Ghadir Petrochemical Company to Increase PVC Output, Reduce Costs

Ghadir Petrochemical Company to  Increase PVC Output, Reduce Costs
Ghadir Petrochemical Company to  Increase PVC Output, Reduce Costs

Executive operations to build the chlor-alkali unit has recently started at Ghadir Petrochemical Company in Mahshahr, Khuzestan Province, to increase output, the chairman of the company’s Board of Directors said.
“One of the strategic raw materials for the production of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), the main product of the company, is chlorine, which is to be produced at the new unit,” Khosrow Emamqoli was also quoted as saying by Neftema website.
“The project will help Ghadir Company to be self-sufficient in chlorine production and cut dependence on getting the feed from Arvand Petrochemical Plant,” he added.
The chlor-alkali electrolysis process is used in the manufacture of chlorine, hydrogen and sodium hydroxide (caustic) solution. Of these three, the primary product is chlorine. Chlorine is one of the more abundant chemicals produced by industry and has a wide variety of industrial uses.


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