
Call for Emergency Action to Counteract Land Subsidence

The current withdrawal pattern from groundwater resources will cause permanent damage to the diversity of the flora and fauna all over the country, especially in the central plateau
Call for Emergency Action to Counteract Land Subsidence
Call for Emergency Action to Counteract Land Subsidence

Majlis Research Center, the influential research arm of the Iranian Parliament, says in a new report that land subsidence caused by overextraction from deleting groundwater resources is pushing the water-stressed country to the point of no return.
According to the report, executive bodies, including the Energy Ministry, Agriculture Ministry and the Department of Environment, should take a number of emergency measures before it gets too late, the Energy Ministry's website Paven reported.
Current withdrawal pattern from groundwater sources will cause permanent damage to the diversity of the flora and fauna all over the country, especially in the central plateau, MRC added, noting that the imminent disaster will also exacerbate migration from central regions to northern and southern areas.


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