
Natural Gas Transmission Reaches 274 bcm in 2022

Natural Gas Transmission Reaches 274 bcm in 2022
Natural Gas Transmission Reaches 274 bcm in 2022

The volume of gas transmission across the country in the last Iranian year (March 2022-23) increased by 2% compared to the previous year, the managing director of Iranian Gas Transmission Company said.
“Last year, close to 274 billion cubic meters of gas were transferred across Iran while the figure was 268 bcm in the previous year,” Gholam Abbas Hosseini was also quoted as saying by the Energy Today website.
“The largest volume of gas transmission pertained to household use and due to the rise in temperature and cold winter last year, a high record of gas transfer was registered on Feb. 10, as more than 858 million cubic meters of gas were transferred on that day,” he added.


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