
Oil, Petrochemical Industries Committed to Shouldering CSR

The construction of residential complexes, schools, clinics and recreational facilities, in addition to expanding green spaces in underprivileged regions, namely Ramshir, Masjed Soleiman and Ramhormoz, is among other CSR projects
Oil, Petrochemical Industries Committed to Shouldering CSR
Oil, Petrochemical Industries Committed to Shouldering CSR

In line with policies to shoulder its corporate social responsibility (CSR), the Oil Ministry is undertaking projects worth $600 million in western and southern oil-rich provinces, the oil minister said.
“The oil industry is committed to fulfilling all its social obligations and will do its best to allocate adequate budget to such plans,” Javad Owji was also quoted as saying by IRNA.
Giving a breakdown on ongoing CSR projects, he noted that the industry has invested $175 million in Khuzestan’s water and wastewater initiatives.
“The industry has spent about $200 million to curb pollutants in hydrocarbon fields of Khuzestan, Bushehr and Ilam provinces over the last three years,” he added.


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