
Annual Petrochem Production Capacity to Reach 95m Tons

Annual Petrochem Production Capacity to Reach 95m Tons
Annual Petrochem Production Capacity to Reach 95m Tons

In the current fiscal 2023-24, one petrochemical project on average will be launched across the country per month, the managing director of the National Petrochemical Company said on Monday.
“With the completion of these projects, the industry’s nominal production capacity will reach 95 million by the end of the year [March 2024],” the Oil Ministry’s news service Shana also quoted Morteza Shahmirzaei as saying.
Speaking at a press conference on the upcoming 14th Iran Petrochemical Forum, the NPC chief said currently, about 70 petrochemical complexes with a nominal production capacity of 92 million tons a year are producing more than 550 grades of chemical and polymer products.


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