
Alborz Boosting Capacity of Water, Wastewater Treatment

Alborz Boosting Capacity of Water, Wastewater Treatment
Alborz Boosting Capacity of Water, Wastewater Treatment

The second unit of Karaj Wastewater Treatment Plant in Alborz Province is near completion and will come on stream by September, the managing director of the provincial water and wastewater company said.
“The processing capacity of the new unit will be about 58,000 cubic meters per day,” Hamidreza Namdari was also quoted as saying by the Energy Ministry’s news portal Paven.
The long-awaited plan that started 10 years ago will cover 280,000 people in the region and the total number of residents linked to the wastewater network in the area will reach 600,000, he added.
The official noted that the development project of Karaj Water Treatment Plant has registered 95% progress and is expected to become operational in summer.


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