
NPC Earns $26 Billion in 2022

NPC Earns $26 Billion in 2022
NPC Earns $26 Billion in 2022

The total output of Iran’s petrochemical industry reached 40 million tons in 2022, of which 40% or 27 million tons were sold in international markets, managing director of the National Petrochemical Company said.
“NPC earned close to $26 billion totally, $16 billion of which were generated by exports, and the rest [$10 billion] was received from selling 13 million tons of goods to domestic firms,” Morteza Shahmirzaei was also quoted as saying by IRNA.
Plans are underway to increase the current nominal annual production at 65 million tons by 23% to reach 80 million tons in 2023, he added, noting that if ongoing projects to boost feedstock delivery to 67 major petrochemical complexes, mostly concentrated in the cities of Mahshahr (Khuzestan Province) and Asalouyeh (Bushehr Province), become operational on time, both output and revenues will experience a substantial rise.
According to the NPC chief, this year, petrochemical feedstock will increase and 5 million tons will be added to the production capacity of the petrochemical industry. 


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