
Bu Ali Sina Petrochem Company’s Revenues Increase by 85 Percent

Bu Ali Sina Petrochem Company’s Revenues Increase by 85 Percent
Bu Ali Sina Petrochem Company’s Revenues Increase by 85 Percent

The 12-month activity report of Bu Ali Sina Petrochemical Company in Mahshahr, Khuzestan Province, indicates an 85% increase in the company's income during last Iranian year (March 2022-23) compared to the previous year. 
According to the Oil Ministry’s news service Shana, the petrochemical company has set a record with the production of more than 2 million tons of various products last year and earned over $1 billion in revenues.
Bu Ali Sina Petrochemical Company intends to increase its annual output and income further this year. 
The construction of a paraxylene unit at the company is complete and will be launched soon.


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