
Knowledge-Based Firms Helping Revive Low-Yield Oil, Gas Wells

Knowledge-Based Firms Helping Revive Low-Yield Oil, Gas Wells
Knowledge-Based Firms Helping Revive Low-Yield Oil, Gas Wells

Four more contracts have been signed between the head of the Oil Industry Innovation and Technology Park representing the National Iranian Oil Company and the representative of four knowledge-based companies on Tuesday to revive low-yield oil and gas wells across Iran.
“New technologies will be employed to revive low-production wells and even increase the output of other wells,” Mohammad Esmaeil Kefayati, the head of the park, was also quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news service Shana.
“There are over 700 low-yield wells in the country. Using modern methods to increase their output will help increase their oil production by 80 million barrels per year,” he added.


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