
Khuzestan’s Wastewater Infrastructure Expanding 

Khuzestan’s Wastewater Infrastructure Expanding 
Khuzestan’s Wastewater Infrastructure Expanding 

A sewage collection project in the city of Kut-e Abdollah, Karoun County, Khuzestan Province, has made 50% progress and is expected to become operational by the end of 2023, managing director of Khuzestan Water and Wastewater Company said.
“The project, including pipe-laying operations and installation of high-pressure pumps are making rapid progress and will go on stream on time if it is not hindered by financial constraints,” Mohammad Reza Karaminejad was also quoted as saying by ISNA.
Close to 80,000 cubic meters of industrial and municipal effluents flow into the world-famous Karoun River in Ahvaz annually, he added.
“The Ahvaz East Wastewater Treatment Plant [with a daily capacity of 112,000 cubic meters] was launched in 2018 but due to the incomplete wastewater infrastructure in the region, as little as 20,000 cubic meters of effluent are recycled at the facility per day,” he said. 


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