
Satba Unveils New Energy Labels for Swamp Coolers

Satba Unveils New Energy Labels for Swamp Coolers
Satba Unveils New Energy Labels for Swamp Coolers

The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization (Satba) plans to reduce electricity consumption by at least 3,000 megawatts over the next four years.
Mahmoud Kamani, the head of the state-run Satba, made the statement while unveiling new energy labels for swamp coolers in Tehran on Saturday, the Energy Ministry’s news portal said.
“Not only will the new standards help curb power use, but they are also expected to reduce water consumption by 30%,” he said.
Also known as desert cooler and evaporative cooler, swamp coolers can reduce energy consumption as an alternative to compressor-based cooling in arid climates. 


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