
Markazi Dams 25% Full

Markazi Dams 25% Full
Markazi Dams 25% Full

Currently, only 25% of the dams in Markazi Province are full, while the figure was 43% last year, the managing director of the regional water company in the province said on Wednesday.
“So far this year, 137 millimeters of precipitation have been registered in the province, while the amount was 145 mm last year and 150 millimeters in the long-term [50-year] average,” Ezzatollah Ameri was also quoted as saying by ISNA.
“This year, rainfall has not been distributed evenly, and more rainfall was registered in the southern regions of the province,” he added.
Referring to the poor conditions of the dams of the province, he said Saveh Dam can hold 277 million cubic meters of water, but there is only 50 mcm of water in it, meaning it is only 18% full. 
Last year, the dam had 110 mcm of water.


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