
Tabriz Wastewater Treatment Capacity to Surge by 150%

Tabriz Wastewater Treatment Capacity to Surge by 150%
Tabriz Wastewater Treatment Capacity to Surge by 150%

The construction of the second phase of Tabriz wastewater treatment plant is expected to the completed by June, the governor general of East Azarbaijan Province said.
“Upon the launch of the project, a part of the treated effluent will be transferred to Lake Urmia, the agricultural sector and Tabriz Petrochemical Company,” Abedin Khorram was also reported as saying by Mehr News Agency.
A total of $10 million are to be spent on the project, which will help raise the inflow of treated wastewater to the troubled Lake Urmia by 150%.
The new phase will increase the current water flow to the lake to 4 cubic meters per second, or 125 million cubic meters a year.


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